Sparta’s women will play without professional players

English version below

D’Dammenéquipe vun der Sparta wäert de Rescht vun der Saison 2020/21 ouni Profispillerin spillen. Wéi mellt, wëll d’Ekipp sech op seng Jugendspiller konzentréieren wann d’Total League an der Dammekategorie den 13. Februar erëm opgeet.

D’Sparta huet d’Saison eng Bilanz vun 0:4 an d’Matcher duerchschnëttlech mat iwwer 30 Punkten Differenz verluer. An der Total League bei den Dammen wäert keng Ekipp direkt an d’Nationale 2 falen. Déi 9. an domat lescht placéiert Equipe am Klassement wäert e « Relegatiounsmatch » géint den Zweeten aus der Nationale spillen. Well d’Équipen an der Nationale 2 am Allgemengen ouni Profispillerinnen spillen, wäert d’Sparta gutt Chancen hunn an der héchster Liga ze bleiwen trotz hirer Entscheedung ouni Profispiller ze spillen.

D’Tabell bei de Fraen virum Optakt vun der Saison –> Tabell Fraen Total League

Sparta’s women team will play without professional players for the remainder of the season 2020/21. As reports, the team wants to focus on its youth players when the Total League in the women’s category reopens on February 13th.

Sparta has started the season 0:4 and lost games by an average of over 30 points per game. In the women’s Total League, no team will relegate to the Nationale 2 immediately. The 9th and thereby last placed team in the standings will play a « relegation-game » against the second-placed of the Nationale 2. Because teams in the women’s Nationale 2 play, in general, without professional players, Sparta will have good chances to stay in the highest league despite their decision to play without professional players.

Standings in the women’s Total League before the restart –> Standings women Total League

Par FLBB , le 18/01/2021 à 21:00
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