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Profi-Sorgen in Steinsel ( +)

27 janvier 2021
Während die meisten Frauenteams in der Total League mit denselben Profis weiterspielen, müssen andere umplanen. Artikel ( +) --> Profi-Sorgen in Steinsel...

Georges Wolzfeld’s Euro Cup experience in Spain

26 janvier 2021
Georges Wolzfeld has represented Luxembourg in Spain as a referee over the last days. In fact, Wolzfeld spent 7 days (17th until 23rd of January) in Valencia to be the referee in t...

Ben Kovac mat perfektem Start an d’Saison an Holland (

26 janvier 2021
De Ben Kovac spillt zanter dëser Saison an der éischter hollännescher Basketliga an huet domat de Sprong an de Profiberäich gewot. De Lëtzebuerger Nationalspiller huet mat ...

Lou Mathieu: „It was a big joy to play 5on5 again »

26 janvier 2021
Lou Mathieu and her team AB Contern are currently practicing in order to prepare for the restart in the women's Total League. Mathieu says that there are mixed emotions involved...

39-year old Ana Petrova: „I am looking forward to the restart of the season as if it was my first »

25 janvier 2021
Luxembourgish version below With 39 years of age, Ana Petrova is the most experienced player in the women's Total League. And Petrova is very excited to restart in 3 weeks: �...

Restart of youth practices / FLBB`s skills challenge

25 janvier 2021
The youth players had to wait very long to return to the gym(s). Clubs have restarted practice sessions under the restrictions by our government. While Arantia and Racing have ...

Kovac’s 16 points lead Den Helder Suns to second straight victory (stats)

22 janvier 2021
Second win for Den Helder to restart the season in the Netherlands. The team of national team player Ben Kovac came up with an 89:52 victory on the road against "The Hague Royals"....

Sparta’s women will play without professional players

18 janvier 2021
English version below D'Dammenéquipe vun der Sparta wäert de Rescht vun der Saison 2020/21 ouni Profispillerin spillen. Wéi mellt, wëll d'Ekipp sech op seng Jugends...
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