39-year old Ana Petrova: „I am looking forward to the restart of the season as if it was my first »

Luxembourgish version below

With 39 years of age, Ana Petrova is the most experienced player in the women’s Total League. And Petrova is very excited to restart in 3 weeks: „I am looking forward to the restart as if it was my first season. With nearly 40 years, I enjoy every practice and second I can play basketball. »

Petrova also does not have problems to prepare despite the long break. „I am always active, I go for runs and I do fitness so that I am in good physical shape. However, a lot of work is needed when it comes to the specific things in basketball that I could not practice over the last months. »

When asked about a possible career end in the near future, Petrova answers with a smile: „I will play as long as I enjoy it. When the day comes that practicing is not fun anymore, than it is time to retire. And of course, I need to break Ildiko Vass’ record, she played with 41 years last season, so I can not retire before I catch her. »

When it comes to the goals of the season, Petrova says that „every team wants to win and so does Etzella. We want to enjoy the season and hopefully finish it with a title. I hope that we will play and finish the season and I wish that everybody stays healthy. »

Lëtzebuergesch Versioun:

Mat 39 Joer ass d’Ana Petrova déi erfuerenste Spillerin an der Total League bei de Fraen. Trotzdem ass d’Petrova ganz opgereegt an 3 Wochen néi an d’Saison ze starten: „Ech freeë mech op de Restart wéi wann et meng éischt Saison wär. Mat bal 40 Joer genéissen ech all Training an all Sekonn déi ech Basket spillen. »

D’Petrova huet och trotz der laanger Paus keng Probleemer sech kirperlech virzebereede:. „Ech sinn ëmmer aktiv, ech gi lafen an ech maachen Fitness sou datt ech a gudder kierperlecher Form sinn. Natirlech muss een no dëser Paus nees vill Aarbecht an déi spezifesch Saachen am Basketball investéieren, déi een déi lescht Méint net konnt üben. »

Op d’Fro no engem méiglechen Enn vun der Karriär an noer Zukunft, äntwert d’Petrova mat engem Laachen: „Ech spille sou laang wéi ech et genéissen. Wann den Dag kënnt wou ech mech net méi op den Training freeën, ass et Zäit ass fir opzehalen. An natierlech muss ech dem Ildiko Vass säi Rekord briechen, hatt huet d’lescht Saison mat 41 Joer gespillt, dat muss ech also nach packen. »

Wann et ëm d’Ziler vun der Saison geet, seet d’Petrova dass „all Equipe wëll gewannen an natierlech och d’Etzella. Mir wëllen d’Saison genéissen an hoffentlech mat engem Titel ofschléissen. Ech hoffen datt mir d’Saison bis zum Schluss spillen kënnen an ech wënschen mer dass jiddereen gesond bleift. »

Interview with Etzella’s head-coach Dragana Zoric before the restart –> Dragana Zoric: „Focus is on conditioning, shooting and feeling the court again”

Par FLBB , le 25/01/2021 à 18:08
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