Women: Most clubs will restart with same professional players

The women’s Total League will start on February 13th. One month before the restart of the 2020/21 season, we take a look at the situations of the different clubs regarding their professional players. Most clubs will restart with the same professional players. Here is an overview of the situation of the 9 clubs participating in the highest league.

Etzella Ettelbrück
Daisa Alexander and Jovana Jaksic will stay with the club.

Résidence Walfer
Amanda Cahill and Samantha Logic stayed in Luxembourg and will stay with the team.

Musel Pikes
Bridget Yoerger and Mikayla Ferenz will stay with the team.

T71 Dudelange
Pele Gianotti and Shalonda Winton went home during the off-time but will return and continue to play for T71.

Gréngewald Hostert
Reili Richardson an Alexandra Louin will return and stay with the club, they went home during the holidays and after the Gréngewald’s Euro Cup game.

Amicale Steinsel
Francesca Wurtz will return to the club while Alexandra Williams will most likely not return to luxembourg.

Basket Esch
Tatsiana Liktharovich did not leave Luxembourg while Michaela Stejskalova went home over the last week, both players remain on the roster of Esch.

AB Contern
Leah Sommerfield will return to the club while Rachel Howard has signed a contract in Spain and will not return.

Sparta Bertrange
The club has not yet taken a decision on this subject.

Picture: Musel Pikes

Par FLBB , le 12/01/2021 à 09:56
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