OVERVIEW: Where do the clubs play in the 2020/21 season?

After the new modus was voted by the clubs on Saturday, all clubs finally know where they will play in the upcoming season. Let’s take a look at the overview of the teams for the upcoming season.


  • Total League (9 clubs)
    Amicale, Contern, Etzella*, Gréngewald, Esch, Musel Pikes, Résidence, Sparta, T71

*Champion 2019/20

  • Nationale 2 (12 clubs)
    Arantia, East Side Pirates, Black Star, Schieren, Heffingen, Kordall, Nitia, Préizerdall, Racing, Wiltz, Zolwer, Telstar

Note: Kehlen and BC Mess have not enrolled a team for the upcoming season.


  • Total League (12 clubs)
    Amicale, Arantia, Contern, Etzella, Heffingen, Esch*, Musel Pikes, Racing, Résidence, Sparta, T71, Telstar

*Champion 2019/20

  • Nationale 2 (8 clubs)
    Gréngewald, BC Mess, Bascharage, Black Star, Zolwer, Mamer, Mondorf, Kordall
  • Nationale 3 (10 clubs)
    East Side Pirates, Kayl, Préizerdall, Nitia, Schieren, Wiltz, 4 B-teams

Note 1: The best 4 B-teams of last season were Arantia B, Etzella B, Musel Pikes B and Sparta B. These clubs will be asked first to participate in the Nationale 3. They can, however, not compete in the play-offs and promote to the second league.

Note 2: Kehlen has not enrolled a team for the upcoming season.

Article new modus –> MODUS 20/21: Total League mit 12 Teams

Pictures and articles from the press –> Fotoen an Press-Artikel vun der AGE vun der FLBB

Par FLBB , le 27/06/2020 à 14:44
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