Ken Diederich am Video-Interview: „Mir kënnen eis op d’Zukunft vun dëser Ekipp freeën »

Am Video-Interview schwetzt de Ken Diederich iwwer d’sensationell Victoire vun eiser Nationalekipp géint d’Slowakei, donieft zitt hien e Bilan vun de Matcher an der Pre-Qualifikatioun.

English version:
In a video-interview on Sunday-morning, Ken Diederich is saying that we can look forward to the future of the national team after the strong performances in all 4 games in this pre-qualification tournament. See the full video here.

On, Ken Diederich also analyses the games –> Ken Diederich analyseiert d`Leeschtung vun den FLBB-Hären

Par FLBB , le 30/11/2020 à 06:31
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