
Restart of youth practices / FLBB`s skills challenge

25 janvier 2021
The youth players had to wait very long to return to the gym(s). Clubs have restarted practice sessions under the restrictions by our government. While Arantia and Racing have ...

Recap of the FLBB`s skills challenge (part 1)

25 janvier 2021
The FLBB skills challenge for Minis and Fillettes started on Saturday. 20 teams have registered for this competition and will compete on 4 weekends in different athletic and bas...

FLBB SKILLS CHALLENGE 2021 for « Minis » and « Fillettes »

15 janvier 2021
The FLBB is organizing a skills challenge for the age categories "Minis" and "Fillettes", especially because there are no competitions possible for kids at the moment. The tour...

FLBB youth players present video of 2020

30 décembre 2020
The youth players of the FLBB have put together a video to sum up the year 2020 (FLBB Youth season 2020), take a look at the video here. ...

U16 and U18 women continue to work out (videos)

23 décembre 2020
Our U16 and U18 women continue to practice with workouts at home. Together with the coaches of the FLBB, the young women stay active, take a look at the video-sequences here: ...

U14 men work out via « zoom » (VIDEO)

23 décembre 2020
Our U14 boys use "zoom" to work out at the moment, take a look at the video-sequence with coach Rumen Galabov here: ...

U16 boys stay in shape at home (videos)

23 décembre 2020
Eis U16 Jongen trainéieren den Moment wéi jidfereen vun doheem aus. Si hunn decidéiert Videoen vun hieren Traininger ze deelen, esou dass aaner Leit nokuken, sech inspiréieren ...

U16 women continue to practice outside and at home (pictures)

20 décembre 2020
Eis U16 Meedecher mam Head Coach Mariusz Dziurdzia trainéieren momentan dobaussen an doheem fir a Form ze bléiwen. Wa si doheem zesummen trainéieren, maachen si dat iwwer “Zo...

Daily dribbling drills by coach Majdi (Musel Pikes)

19 décembre 2020
Verschidden Jugendequippen trainéieren momentan dobaussen. Anerer trainéieren doheem mat Videoen oder aneren Appen vir un hiren Skills ze schaffen. Den Anan Majdi, den Jugendt...

Youth Development coaching Clinic

19 décembre 2020
In cooperation with the FLBB and with the support of FIBA, Interreg Basket Academy is organizing an international coaching clinic. On December 19th and 20th 2020, renowned coaches ...

Outside practices are in trend for young players

7 décembre 2020
The basketball gyms are closed at the moment but that does not mean practicing is impossible. Some clubs have re-started practice activities outside in small groups and by respecti...

Youth development Coaching clinic on the 19th and 20th of December

14 novembre 2020
In collaboration with Interreg Basket Academy, the national basketball federation is organizing a youth development coaching clinic in December (19th and 20th). The clinic will...

Safety recommendations and practice content

4 novembre 2020
The basketball federation has worked out safety recommendations for practices over the next weeks/months. Furthermore, coaches can find pratice content to get ideas for their prati...

All CFBB Traininger sinn ofgesot / All CFBB practices are cancelled

26 octobre 2020
No de neien Mesuren, déi d’Regierung gëscht annoncéiert huet, hunn mir entscheet all CFBB Trainingen an dëser Woch (26.-30.10.) ofzesoen. Nodeems mir Detailer vun den neien ...

7 Kandidaten fir de « kids coach »

30 septembre 2020
7 Kandidaten sinn grad amgangen den "kids coach" Träinerschäin ze maachen. Hei kënnt Dir e puer Fotoen vun der Formatioun kucken. Nimm vun de Kandidaten: BROSIUS Tania, DU...