Division 4 Hommes

De Rui Nunes proposéiert e Modus mat 4 Ligen

1 juin 2020
De Rui Nunes vun der Arantia Fiels proposéiert an der Diskussioun em e neie Spillmodus eng Variant mat 4 Ligen, deemno enger Nationale 1, Nationale 2, Nationale 3 an Nationale 4. ...

NBA presents plan for restart of season

1 juin 2020
The NBA has presented a plan to return this season. 22 out of the 30 teams will play at one place (Orlando), 8 regular season games will be played and then the play-offs will start...

Wat mécht eigentlech de Nelson Delgado?

31 mai 2020
De nächste Spiller an der Rubrik „Wat mécht eigentlech ...?“ ass de Nelson Delgado, deen seng Karriär an der éischter Ekipp 2017 no 20 Joer op der Etzella ofgeschloss huet ...

16 Coache maache grad d’A-Lizenz am Basket

31 mai 2020
Eng Partie Trainer sinn den Ament amgaangen, d'A-Lizenz ze maachen, eppes, wat ee bis dëst d'Joer nach net hei zu Lëtzebuerg maache konnt. Artikel --> Artikel_RTL.lu...

Heffingen adds Yarbrough (highlight-video)

31 mai 2020
US Heffingen has added a second professional player next to Denell Stephens. In fact, 24 year old and 1.98 m tall Milik Yarbrough will play for the team next season as first report...

Ney, prêt pour un nouveau défi à l’Arantia

30 mai 2020
Arrivé au basket sur le tard, Christophe Ney s’apprête à découvrir un banc de l’élite. Il a en effet été nommé coach de l’Arantia. Retour sur près de 30 ans consacrÃ...

Reegelen fir de Baskettraining ab dem Freiden (29.05.2020)

29 mai 2020
Vum Freiden (29.05.) un start déi 3. Phas vum Deconfinement, déi och Oplockerungen fir verschidde Sportaarten, dorënner och de Basket, virgesäit. Et goufe néi Konzepter fir de...

Mathis Wolff joins Sparta, Dean Gindt joins Résidence

29 mai 2020
Sparta announced that the club has added Mathis Wolff (Etzella) for the upcoming season. He is 22 years old and 2 m tall. On the other end, Sparta also announced that Dean Gind...

Logic extends contract in Walferdange

29 mai 2020
Samantha Logic will play another season for the women team of Résidence Walferdange as the club announced. Amanda Cahill, the second professional player from last season, will als...

A-License Course in Luxembourg!

28 mai 2020
FLBB, along with ENEPS, are happy to finally be able to present an A-License course in Luxemburg. It took long preparations and many efforts to put together a schedule for the c...

McDaniel extends contract in Mamer

28 mai 2020
BBC Mamer announced that Billy McDaniel has signed with the club for another season. McDaniel led Mamer to the 1st spot in the Nationale 3 last season. It will be his 3rd seaso...

Louvrier stays head-coach in Steinsel

28 mai 2020
Amicale Steinsel announced that Etienne Louvrier will stay with the team for another season. The coach took over the team during last season. Several key players (Schmit, Wolff...

How does professional player Antonio Bivins spend his time in Luxembourg during quarantine?

27 mai 2020
Antonio Bivins has been playing professional basketball in Luxembourg for a few years right now and is known for his speed and scoring ability. In this special off-season, Bivins h...

Wat mécht eigentlech de Sohrab Ziai?

27 mai 2020
De nächste Spiller an eiser Rubrik “Wat mécht eigentlech ... ?“ ass den Sohrab Ziai. WEI ENG ROLL SPILLT DE BASKET AKTUELL AN DENGEM LIEWEN? Momentan keng grouss Roll....

Ballhandling Ãœbungen mam Mariusz Dziurdzia (VIDEO)

26 mai 2020
De Mariusz Dziurdzia präsentéiert Ballhandling-Übungen fir doheem ze trainéieren. Ass wat een brauch ass e Basketball. Vill Spaass! :) ...