No de neien Mesuren, déi d’Regierung gëscht annoncéiert huet, hunn mir entscheet all CFBB Trainingen an dëser Woch (26.-30.10.) ofzesoen.
Nodeems mir Detailer vun den neien Mesuren hunn, wäerten mir kucken an wei enger Form a Mesuren Traininger weider stattfannen kennen an wäerten Iech de Programm fir no der Allerhellegevakanz matdeelen.
After the newly announced restrictions by the government, we decided to cancel all CFBB Practises for this week (26.-30.10.)
When we have the details of the new rules, we will see in which form and regulations we can continue our CFBB program and we will inform you about the schedule (after the holidays) adequately.